Created a few months after the novelist passed away in 1998, the Alice Rivaz Association aims to promote the outreach of her work. In 2020, the Association acquired all the rights to Alice Rivaz’ works.
With around one hundred members to date, it organises events, readings, conferences, and exhibitions, all publicised on its website. To encourage research, as well as the organisation and creation of events, all the resources and documents at the Association’s disposal are made available to one and all. It promotes the novelist’s books on secondary curricula. The Association collaborates with the ‘Centre des littératures en Suisse romande’ at the University of Lausanne and with the ‘Collège pour adultes Alice-Rivaz’ (COPAD), named after the novelist when Ms Martine Brunschwig Graf presided over the Geneva cantonal government.
In 2015, the Association created the Prix Alice Rivaz triennial literary award.
Photograph by Dylan Perrenoud. Sculpture Le Tiret by Aurélien Gamboni, executed by Vincent du Bois
Marianne Dyens
Committee members
Françoise Fornerod
Sylviane Dupuis
Daniel Maggetti
Valérie Cossy
Jelena Ristic
Honorary members
Ruth Dreifuss
Martine Brunschwig Graf
If you wish to become a member of the Association, please email your full name and address to:
and pay the CHF 30 annual fee (CHF 10 for students).
You can also support the Association's activities by donating the amount of your choice.
Bank details
Beneficiary: Association Alice Rivaz, 1200 Genève
IBAN: CH79 0900 0000 1748 6654 1
Launching a prize is a way of paying tribute to the author, of keeping her memory and her work alive. It also promotes the creations of contemporary authors.
Preserving her literary heritage